Lunarcalendar 2013


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every night
the moonphase

About the lunar calendar

The calendar shows the phase of the moon for every night of the year-and the day of the week for every day. You can use it anywhere in the world: a full moon is still a full moon wherever you are on the Earth. If you want to know the exact time of full moon, remember to make an allowance for the time zone you are in-all the times on this calendar are GTM. So in Britain in summertime, for instance, add one hour to the printed time to get the clock time of an event. Southern-sky lunar calendar 2013 also available.
See more info below

What does a 2013 lunarcalendar cost:
Normal :   € 9,50 (+ € 2,6 post & package)
Laminated: € 15,00 (6,75 euro postage)

Discout for quantity orders starting 2:
02 calendars € 15 (€ + 2,6 porto and tube)
04 calendars € 28 (€ + 4 porto and tube)
06 calendars € 39 (€ + 6,76 porto and tube)
10 calendars € 63 (€ + 6,75 porto and tube)
05 X = € 75 (excl. porto and tube)
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IBAN: NL84 INGB 0004255838
We will send you the lunarcalendars a.s.a.p. by mail!

You can buy the Calender in he following selected stores:
Tilburg - Pleiade
Amsterdam - American Bookstore, Amsterdam Zoo, Geografische Boekhandel Pied à Terre, NEMO and Au Bout du Monde.

My contact number:
Phone number: 00 31 (0)6 50211137 (Hans)

These calendars show the exact shape of the Moon for each night of the year, screenprinted in silvery metallic ink on a deep midnight blue background. As well as dates and days of the week, the calendar gives the exact times of the full, new and quarter moons, and the times when the moon changes from one sign of the zodiac to the next. The first calendar was published in 1989. The posters measure 12 inches by 32 inches (30cm x 80cm) (approx.), and are both lovely and useful!
The date and time of the Sun's movement into each zodiac sign is printed at the bottom of the calendar - these, of course, include the solstices and equinoxes (in March, June, September and December) - and a key to the zodiac symbols is also given. When there's a solar or lunar eclipse, the type of eclipse and time of greatest eclipse are shown instead of the full- or new-moon time, this being just a few minutes different. The moon's phases are drawn for midnight, and the last one shown in each month (for 24:00 GMT on the last day) is pictured again at the top of the next month's column.

All the times shown on the calendar are in Greenwich Mean Time. It's a 'Northern-hemisphere' design, in the sense that the shapes would be back-to-front (or upside-down!) in the Southern hemisphere - though in any case the moon is usually seen with the bright limb turned downwards, toward the horizon, the exact angle depending both on your latitude and on the time of night. The calendar is nevertheless useable anywhere in the world, since the moon's shape appears (almost exactly) the same wherever you are on Earth.

Southern-sky lunar calendar 2013
A Southern-hemisphere version is also available, however (pictured right), which shows all the shapes the other way up, and uses New-Zealand standard time-zone (12 hours East of Greenwich).

The average time from one full moon to the next is approximately 29 days 12 hours and 44 minutes (a 'synodic month'), which is almost a whole day less than the average calendar month, and this is why the pattern on the calendar slopes upwards to the right. This pattern continues if you put calendars for successive years side-by-side. Twelve lunar cycles - from new to full and back to new again, 12 times - together take about 10.875 days less than one whole year (a year being the time it takes for the Earth (along with the Moon) to orbit the Sun, about 365.2425 days).

Many traditional festivals are scheduled using the phases of the moon, or a combination of the lunar and solar cycles. The Chinese New Year, for example, is celebrated on a new moon - almost always the second new moon after the winter solstice. Easter Sunday is the first Sunday on or after the first full moon after the spring equinox. The Islamic calendar just uses the lunar cycle directly to define the beginnings of its 12 months, and so the next occurrence of the same month happens about 11 days earlier in the following year.

The moon always moves forwards through the zodiac (unlike the planets, which sometimes appear to go backwards, or retrograde, against the background of the 'fixed stars'). She spends a bit more than two whole days in each zodiac sign, completing the cycle through all 12 signs in one 'tropical month' of on average, 27 days 7 hours and 43 minutes. The time when the moon moves into a zodiac sign from the previous one - an 'ingress' - is shown on the calendar by the Zodiac symbol of the new sign, with the time printed next to it, using the 24-hour clock.

The calendar uses the usual 'tropical zodiac', in which the Sun moves into Aries on the Spring equinox each year. Some people (biodynamic gardeners for example) are interested in the sidereal zodiac, which corresponds instead to the constellations of stars seen in the sky. The tropical and sidereal zodiacs coincided in AD 221 (allegedly), but due to the precession of the equinoxes, the tropical zodiac has moved backwards relative to the sidereal one by nearly 25 degrees. The moon thus moves into any particular sidereal sign about 1 day and 21 hours after moving into the same tropical sign (the one shown on the calendar).